October has been a blur and is nearly over! We have started the second nine weeks hitting the ground running. Next week we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week and having Fall Parties. If you plan to attend fall parties and bring snacks for your students class, please remember all snacks must be store bought and homemade snacks are NOT allowed. Parties will begin at approximately 2:30 PM. We hope you can make it out to your students classrooms and celebrate with them. This week we sent home report cards. Some of you may have received them digitally and some may also have come home with your students. A few changes were made to report cards this year. Kindergarten and 1st grade students use a Standards Based grading scale. Below is the grading scale for kindergarten and 1st grade:
Developing (1)- Students at the developing level need the most support to master the objective.
Approaching (2)- Students at the approaching level need some support to master the objective.
Understanding (3) - Students at the understanding level can demonstrate mastery of the objective.
Extending (4) - Students at the extending level have mastered the objective and can go deeper.
Specials classes are also using a new grading scale which is as follows:
SA- Satisfactory
US- Unsatisfactory
E- Exceeding
If you have any questions about your students report card grades, please contact your students teacher. I hope you all enjoy your weekend and we will see you back on Monday for a FUN week of school!
-Mr. Daugherty