Little Axe Public Schools
Letter from Superintendent, Dr. Jay Thomas
Bond Interest Survey
State Testing Parent Portal
School Communication Goal
LAPS App Information
Letter from Dr. Jay Thomas
Dear Little Axe Community,
Hello, and welcome back to school! The 2024-25 school year is off to a great start and I am excited to begin the year. I am looking forward to continuing to be a part of the progress Little Axe continues to make and continue to set and achieve goals. The Wildly Important Goals for this year which have been approved by the school board are as follows:
Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of communication amongst all stakeholders.
To continue accomplishing this goal, communication will be through the Little Axe app, will continue to send out push texts, and continue to have communication through Facebook. If you are not receiving this communication, please get with your child's respective site office and ask them to assist you in receiving this communication.
Increase literacy skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) for all students.
This goal is a site specific goal that is accomplished at each level and in each classroom with specific goals being set at the student level.
Improvement of perception and satisfaction with district buildings and grounds for the Little Axe community.
The district and specific employees will work to ensure that the school is presentable and is an area of the community that others can be proud of. Included in this is an assurance that equipment and the infrastructure of the school is well maintained and necessary repairs are made in a timely manner.
Little Axe School district continues to consistently grow each year. This growth brings many excellent opportunities for our students including classroom resources and extra curricular opportunities. The growth also brings with it unique challenges such as building space. In order to get ahead of the anticipated growth, it is becoming necessary to build and grow accordingly. Please complete the attached survey where we will ask for your input of the best way to proceed with a future bond issue and ask for your input of secondary and tertiary projects.
As we move forward through this school year, please be assured that Little Axe School faculty and staff are committed to your child's success. We will continue to make strides to ensure that achievement continues to increase and that your child will be prepared for the next steps in life.
Jay Thomas
School Bond Survey
Little Axe School district continues to consistently grow each year. This growth brings many excellent opportunities for our students including classroom resources and extra curricular opportunities. The growth also brings with it unique challenges such as building space. In order to get ahead of the anticipated growth, it is becoming necessary to build and grow accordingly.
With this in mind, we will be working on a bond proposal in the near future and we would like your opinion.
This bond would put us right below the bond amount we had when the safe room bond was passed.
State Testing Parent Portal
Your student’s final reports for the Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) are now available in the Parent Portal:
Oklahoma School Testing Program Assessments (OSTP) for Grades 3-8:
Math and ELA for each grade
Science for 5th and 8th grades
College and Career Readiness Assessments (CCRA) for 11th graders:
Math and ELA (assessed with the ACT)
US History
First time users:
Will need to create a user account. To create an account in the OSTP Parent Portal, you will need your student’s 10-digit state ID number (can be found on the Sylogist/Wengage parent portal) and date of birth.
If you can not find your student's ID or have other questions, please email emily.blakley@littleaxeps.org for help.
Once on the OSTP Parent Portal site, users will enter the student’s State ID and date of birth, then click go. Then users will enter their email address and create a password for accessing the portal.
Returning users:
Will need to enter their email address and password associated with their account to access their student’s results. If you can’t remember your password, click on forgot password and enter the email address used to create your account. An email will be sent to that email address with instructions on how to reset your password.
School Communication
School text messages can only be sent to those who have legal guardianship and access to records. If you have someone in your family that would need to know things that are going on at the school (grandparents, caregivers, step-parents, etc.), please have them download the app.
To help with our communication goal, we are changing the way that we are putting out information:
Important and time sensitive information will be sent out via text - if you are a legal guardian and you are not receiving these messages, please contact the school and we will help.
If it is not sensitive information that only parents should know, it will also go out on the app.
School activities will be communicated through the app, social media, webpage, and possible e-mail and text if necessary.
Each site has a Facebook page:
Little Axe Elementary School - this is a group that you will have to ask to join
Little Axe has an APP for communication!
New this year!
We have had newsletters in the past but we are streamlining them this year to have them easily accessible on our webpage and on the app. Each site, as well as this office, will put out a newsletter at least once a month ... maybe more.